Look How Far You Have Come


Check Your Rearview Mirror
Isn’t it interesting how you have one perspective about your life as you are moving forward one foot in front of the other, and then when you glance in the rearview mirror you realize how far you have actually come.

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Mental Fog of 2020

As I am beginning to peer out of the mental fog that has been 2020, I am thinking about the future. What will it look like Spring 2021? Will we be protected from Covid? How will the economy be doing? And the big question…Will I ever leave the comfort of my athleisure pants for a business suit? 

There is much to be thankful for in the forward movement department. My family is healthy and Her Podium is growing. I believe 2021 will be outstanding! But I didn’t even realize the momentum I was creating until I took a glance back.

I am not one to dwell on the past for more than a second. This quick look in the rearview mirror encouraged me to appreciate all that I have accomplished. It is like with anything you build including the building of your life or business. The “go to” is to just keep moving, eyes forward. If we don’t occasionally glance back we have no idea how far we have come.


Highs & Lows of the Journey

I was fortunate to have Nan Price of Innovation Destination Hartford write an article about my entrepreneurial journey. She captured all the highs and lows of several businesses that I have started, built and sold. It brings me to today. Through it all, I have come to my purpose with Her Podium. But there were many pivots in the journey. It took a while to get here, and the result was worth it. (Click here to read Nan Price’s article).

The wisdom I gained as I look back was this: Though my life has had it ups and downs, bumps and bruises, given the opportunity to take that quick glance back, I realize, I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I could have arrived where I am today without going through those experiences that were filled with lessons. 

Glance Back for Wisdom

As the year closes, I invite you to take a quick glance back in your rearview mirror. Take notice of the wins and losses. See how far you have come. Could you have gotten to this place without the daily persistence of putting one foot in front of the other? Take a moment to revel in knowing that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Continue moving forward, but don’t forget to remember how far you have been. The big take away is to PIVOT when something doesn’t feel right or no longer working. You have the power for change.

Have a Sparkling Day!



Pamela Mulhearn is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of Her Podium®, Public Speaking Programs for Women. These are inspirational, supportive and nonjudgemental programs to grow your confidence.

Fear of public speaking is pervasive among women. Many are afraid to show they have fear because our culture rewards strength. The truth is, the quickest way to up level both your personal and professional life is to stand strong in your voice and become confident presenting in front of a group.


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